KnoKnow yw your cusour custtomeromers s You likely have current or potential customers who interact with your content on multiple channels. They may read one of bebetttterer.. your emails, click on a Twitter link to one of your product pages, or make a purchase in-store. But do your internal data systems know that the same person performs both actions? And can they inform you of the next piece of information you need to To create those hyper-personalized experiences, you need to put in front of that customer based on pre-determined rules? understand the core of your customers. You need to know what their intentions are. Their online activity and offline interactions with your brand can give you deep insight into what motivates Does a CDP make sense for you? them. That can be difficult to do when you have to pull data from several different sources that may not be specific enough to provide actionable insights. If yIf your orour organizaganization collects dation collects data frta from 5 or morom 5 or more oe of f these sourthese sources, then a CDP is a good fit fces, then a CDP is a good fit for yor you.ou. Imagine seeing in a single platform how long a particular customer spent on your website, what exact pages they visited, In-store Advertising platforms what links they clicked on, and how many of your emails they Online/e-commerce Marketing automation opened. This data can be used to provide more customized In-app platforms content when that customer visits your website or receives an Website browsing Loyalty platforms email from you. It can be used when conducting paid targeting Survey Wearables/IoT across social or search campaigns. The days of showing the Customer service - Chat Legacy data same content to hundreds or thousands of customers Customer service - Call SMS are gone. Center Email Sales/CRM Mobile And this is the way consumers want it. Most people are willing POS Other to share information about themselves or let their activity be tracked if it will benefit them. This benefit can come from more relevant content or the feeling of being part of a community of like-minded people. As a marketer, being able to provide the relevant content that your customers crave is something you With a comprehensive view of customer data, marketers can should strive for. use a CDP to segment their audience and create more targeted marketing campaigns. | 5 | 5