GeGet set set up ft up for success.or success. responsibilities of users should be laid out and communicated very clearly at the beginning of this process. Having a great implementation is like buying insurance for The implementation process is also an opportunity to educate your purchase of a CDP. Your implementation can make or your users on how to use the CDP and ensure they can take break adoption by your teams. A well-planned and executed full advantage of its features and capabilities. A successful implementation process can help ensure that your CDP is set implementation can ensure that they successfully adopt and up correctly and can effectively collect and manage customer effectively use the CDP. data from the start. This can help you take full advantage of the benefits of a CDP and avoid any potential issues or setbacks. GeGet yt your daour data rta readyeady.. The first question you should ask yourself before kicking off the implementation is, “What do you want to accomplish during Implementing any software that is going to use your data this project?” How far do you want the process to take you means that you need to have the data in an organized way so toward the complete execution of the platform? Some vendors the ingestion of that data works smoothly. If you do not already will only offer minimal guidance during this period. You will want have a data governance strategy in place, here are some steps an implementation partner who understands all aspects of the to follow: process and has impeccable project management capabilities. They need to be able to guide you on who to include in the •• DeDefine yfine your goals and objectivour goals and objectiveses - what data do you need to process (more on this in the next section), how long it should keep, and how does it need to be organized? Are there any take, every step that needs to be included, and what success legal or compliance requirements for which your data needs looks like. to be prepared? •• EsEstablish datablish data rules ta rules - rules should govern each data type The process of standing up new software can take months if and identify what format they should be in, what systems there are many moving parts, systems to be connected, and they need to be stored in, and where they should not be data to be accounted for. You also need to go into the project stored. knowing when implementation ends and the maintain and •• CrCreaeatte a pre a process focess for monitor monitoring yoring your daour datata - who will ensure improve phase begins. You may only have the bandwidth (or the data is in the correct format and systems? budget) to implement a part of the software during the initial •• TrTrain emploain employyees on hoees on how tw to manage the dao manage the datata - everyone implementation and plan on adding additional functionality accessing or using the same data should know the rules for and features later. This should all be documented during managing that data, including where it goes and what format implementation. it needs to be in. They should also know what their specific responsibilities are with regard to data storage and usage. Having a new piece of technology could require adjusting •• RRepeaepeat yt yearlyearly - annual audits of the data governance internal processes. Any changes to the roles and processes should be conducted. | 17

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